What do you wish you’d known about pregnancy before you actually got pregnant?

Pregnancy is a unique moment in one’s life and its so unique to the extent that the experiences differs from one pregnancy to the other. Despite this, there are still some peculiarities about pregnancy that you might never get to know until you get pregnant. They includes;

  • Pregnancy doesn’t always go to plan – one live birth, one miscarriage – and it’s no one’s fault.
  • Your bladder becomes your baby’s favourite squeeze toy.
  • You will pee more than feels humanly possible.
  • Pregnancy isn’t always amazing, so don’t feel bad if you don’t feel like a glowing goddess (I sure as heck didn’t!). There will be times where you glance at yourself in the mirror and wonder where this blooming fantastic specimen immerged from and other days you’ll want to hide away under a rock like some kind of creature from the darkened depths of the ocean – both can happen in the same minute!
  • Bending down becomes almost impossible in the latter weeks.
  • Your entire body expands to make room for your critter. At some points I could feel my ribs moving and popping just so my little lady could get super comfy, which meant I was uncomfortable, but you’ve got to pick your battles.
  • Embrace the maternity wear. You can get some fabulous stuff inexpensively and you don’t have to hide yourself under jumpers and dungarees.
  • Love your bump. You’ll miss it when it’s not there and you’re trying to find a place to balance your plate!
  • You will encounter many people who want to rub your belly. It’s weird. Either let them or don’t. The choice is yours. I had one woman come up to me while I was mid-conversation with someone else and start grabbing at the various lumps and bumps that were sticking out of me. After she’d told me what each were, I asked her who she was!
  • Enjoy the good moments and try to forget the not-so-good.    How true is this? Share yours with us in the comment section below

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