Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Whether you’re dealing with romantic partners, family, friends, or coworkers, maintaining healthy boundaries can help you strengthen relationships, avoid unhealthy connections, and improve your self-esteem and overall well-being.

You might hear the word “boundaries” and imagine walls that separate you from other people. In a sense, that’s true. But boundaries aren’t necessarily a bad thing. They’re an essential ingredient in healthy, balanced relationships. They’re also crucial to maintaining your identity, mental health, and physical well-being. 

Boundaries can include restrictions on physical actions, such as asking a roommate or partner not to look through your phone or interrupt when working from home. 

Healthy boundaries serve to:

  • Encourage autonomy and reduce codependent habits.
  • Set expectations when interacting with others.
  • Give you a sense of empowerment and self-respect.
  • Ensure your physical and emotional comfort.
  • Clarify individual responsibilities in a relationship.
  • Separate your wants, needs, thoughts, and feelings from those of others.

Without healthy boundaries, your relationships can become toxic and unsatisfying and your well-being can suffer. 

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1 year ago

When there is genuine love everything just flows.