Why do Nigerians eat so much pepper?

There are over 300 tribes, with unique cultures, in Nigeria and pepper is considered an important part of the staples of these cultures. For example, in Yoruba culture, it’s generally believed that eating a lot of pepper improves one’s quality of life which is backed up by a Yoruba saying that “a soul that does not eat pepper is a powerless soul.” In other words, the more pepper you eat, the stronger you become and the healthier your immune system. Though almost every culture in Nigeria holds a similar belief, the growing trend of snacking and fast food is fast eroding the hold pepper has on Nigerians. Are you one of those who are already ditching meals spiced with pepper? You may need to have a rethink.

Peppers have a lot going for them. They’re low in calories and are loaded with good nutrition. All varieties are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber. Plus, the spicy ones liven up bland food, making it more satisfying. They also aid in weight loss. It is also said to be good for digestion and prevents cancer by detoxifying the body. 

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1 year ago

Prouldly Yoruba

1 year ago

I never knew that pepper has nutritious value.

1 year ago

Don’t ask Yoruba why😂😂