How to tell if your child is lying- learn this to avoid blaming a child for another’s offence

Identifying Signs of Deception in Your Child: How to Tell If Your Child’s Lying

As parents, it can be challenging to determine whether our kids are telling the truth or not. While we can’t whip out a lie detector test, there are common signs to watch for that may indicate dishonesty. If your child displays several of these signs, it’s worth investigating further:

Unusual Eye Contact: Young children may avoid eye contact when lying, but older kids may hold your gaze excessively.

Repetition: Repeating part of a question in their response could be a tactic to buy more time to fabricate a story.

Touching the Face: Scratching the ear, touching the nose, or biting the lips can be indicators of untruthfulness.

Inconsistencies: Inconsistent details in their story are a clear sign of dishonesty.

Defensive Reactions: An over reactive defense to accusations might suggest they’re hiding something.

Unusual Gestures: Sudden use of excessive gestures or hiding hands may be a signal of fabrication.

Blinking Changes: Excessive blinking or avoiding blinking altogether can reveal their discomfort.

Fidgeting: Wringing hands or squirming while speaking might indicate uneasiness.

Rambling: Excited, excessive talking with added details might be an attempt to make the story more believable.

Changed Tone or Speed of Speech: Pauses, hesitation, or speaking in a different tone may be additional clues of deceit.”

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1 year ago

What a great lesson, thanks plustra