Constant Conflict

How you handle conflict is the single most important predictor of whether your marriage will survive. Constant conflict, bitter battles, and going to bed angry every night are no one’s idea of a healthy marriage. In a good marriage, your spouse is your partner and your shelter from storm. The less you have bitter arguments the more chances you have of your marriage working. Disagreements should be resolved with healthy conversations laced with plenty love.  

Absence of Commitment

A happy and healthy marriage requires mutual commitment. Once one of the parties shows lack of commitment, it impacts on the long term survival of the marriage. Sometimes, the spouse who is still committed to the relationship believes they can single handedly save their marriage if they work harder at it. When their marriage inevitably ends, they are often filled with rage at being used.


Cheating in marriage is a bitter pill to swallow, and most people consider this to be an unforgivable offense. Infidelity doesn’t have to  lead to divorce, but it does destroy trust. The survival of your marriage after divorce depends on whether both of you are willing and able to repair your relationship.  To rescue your relationship, you will have to forgive your partner – and your partner will have to make a genuine apology and commit to taking action to end their cheating ways for good.

Absence of Intimacy

Emotional and physical intimacy “grease the wheels” of a smooth-running relationship. When they’re gone, however, serious relationship issues often take their place.Communication breakdown, anger, resentment, sadness, loneliness, infidelity, and greatly diminished self-esteem are some of the most serious issues – and if left untreated, they can irreparably damage a relationship and pave the road to divorce. From time to time, try and reignite the spark in your marriage by calling back memories of how you fell in love with your spouse. Also, spend quality time doing things that both of you enjoy can help rebuild emotional intimacy, which can lead to physical intimacy.


Communication Problems

A breakdown in the lines of communication is one of the biggest predictors of divorce. Couples who don’t communicate well cannot resolve issues together and tend to suffer more misunderstandings and hurt feelings than those who have learned how to resolve conflict respectfully.

Good communication is physical as well as verbal, and it is required for almost everything in a good relationship, including sex, a couple’s finances etc. To make it through the inevitable tough times, you must be willing and able to talk about what’s wrong or not working and decide together how to resolve these issues.

Domestic Violence: Abuse by a Partner or Parent

Domestic violence can include any act of tangible or threatened abuse – including verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, and/or economic abuse. In such a relationship, one person gains or maintains power over their partner via a pattern of abusive behavior. People who suffer physical and emotional abuses from their spouses should seek for counseling before it’s too late. A temporary separation can also give each of the spouses the opportunity to evaluate things as they find healing.    




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1 year ago

This is Key