Side effects of Thumb sucking you never knew

From infancy, children use sucking behaviors to calm themselves. In fact, plenty of parents rely on pacifiers, teething toys, and other items designed for children to suck on in order to encourage emotional regulation in their children.

As children get older, they may develop the habit of finger or thumb-sucking. Unfortunately, thumb sucking can have long-lasting negative side effects if the habit persists past age four. Possible side effects of prolonged or intense thumb sucking include the following five.

  1. Open Bite
  2. Overbite
  3. Skin problem
  4. Speech Impediment
  5. Social Issues

As you work to help your child stop thumb sucking, it’s important to remember that this habit does not indicate any physiological or developmental issues. Your child may need your help and the help of a dentist or pediatrician to break the habit. However, eliminating thumb sucking behavior is a goal that you can work toward over time and one that should be achieved through positive reinforcement rather than punishment.

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