Important things to know about taking beverages as a pregnant woman

As a pregnant woman, it’s essential to be mindful of what you drink to ensure the health and well-being of your baby. Here are some guidelines to follow:

*Safe Beverages:*

– Water: Aim for at least eight glasses a day to stay hydrated.
– Prenatal vitamins: As recommended by your healthcare provider.
– Low-caffeine tea or coffee: Limit to 200mg (one 12oz cup) per day.
– Fresh juice: 100% fruit and vegetable juice, without added sugars.
– Milk and dairy alternatives: Fortified with calcium and vitamins.

*Beverages to Limit or Avoid:*

– High-caffeine drinks: More than 200mg per day can increase miscarriage risk.
– Alcohol: Avoid entirely to prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
– Raw or unpasteurized juices: Risk of bacterial contamination.
– Sugary drinks: High in empty calories, potentially leading to gestational diabetes.
– Excessive soda consumption: Linked to preterm labor and low birth weight.

Remember to always consult your healthcare provider if you have specific questions or concerns about your beverage choices during pregnancy. Stay hydrated and healthy!

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