Plustra relationship tips: 16 silent ways you are pushing your spouse away

1. You rarely come home early. The gap between you two is widening

2. You turn down your spouse’s sexual advances. Soon he/she will get tired

3. You are always busy. Your spouse is learning not to include you

4. You don’t reply to your spouse’s text messages or phone calls. Your spouse will stop bothering

5. You don’t involve your spouse in your decisions. Your spouse will let you do you

6. You are showing your spouse that your friends and family are more important. Why should your spouse compete for attention?

7. You don’t balance your love and attention, all your focus goes to the children, neglecting your spouse’s needs

8. Time and time again you have told your spouse “I don’t need you”, you are so quick to show you are all sufficient, you don’t need help

9. You shout, insult, order around and emotionally abuse your spouse. Your spouse has learnt to protect themselves from you

10. You walk away when your spouse enters the room. Your spouse is feeling ignored

11. You keep postponing having important conversations. Issues pile up separating you two

12. You don’t apologize for the wrongs you do. Your spouse is willing to forgive and solve issues but it will help if you are accountable

13. You give silent treatment and only engage when you want to engage. This is torture

14. You are distracted with your phone. You don’t pay attention to your spouse

15. You have started entertaining another person and your spouse has noticed

16. You have no work-life balance. Yes, you are providing for family, but losing the sense of family

Stop pushing your spouse away; one day it will be too late

©️ Dayan Masinde


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