Courtesy behavior to teach children as they approach teenage age

Here are 10 courtesy behaviors to teach children as they approach their teenage years:

  1. Respectful Greetings: Teach them to say “hello,” “please,” and “thank you” when addressing others. A warm greeting creates a positive impression.

  2. Polite Listening: Encourage them to listen attentively when others are speaking, without interrupting, and to wait their turn in conversations.

  3. Saying Excuse Me: Teach the importance of using “excuse me” to politely get someone’s attention or when they accidentally bump into someone.

  4. Offering Help: Instill the habit of offering assistance to those in need, whether it’s opening a door or helping carry something.

  5. Table Manners: Emphasize the importance of polite eating habits such as chewing with their mouth closed, using utensils properly, and asking to be excused.

  6. Respecting Personal Space: Teach them to be mindful of others’ personal boundaries and to ask permission before touching someone’s belongings.

  7. Gratitude for Gifts: Encourage them to show appreciation for any gifts they receive, whether through a verbal thank you or a handwritten note.

  8. Apologizing Sincerely: Help them understand the importance of a genuine apology when they’ve made a mistake or hurt someone’s feelings.

  9. Offering Seats to Elders: Teach the value of offering their seat to elders, pregnant women, or anyone who may need it more than them.

  10. Using Kind Words: Instill the habit of speaking kindly and avoiding hurtful language, even in difficult situations, as kindness is key to building respectful relationships.

These behaviors help children grow into considerate, respectful teenagers and adults.

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