Hire a Holiday Helper and Relieve Your Stress!

These past months, you have survived the stress of juggling school runs with your 9-5 job. Now that the children are home, you’re likely going to face more stress catering for them all day- that’s in addition to doing your daily routine.

If this is you, now is the time to find a holiday helper; a go-to babysitter, a cook, etc. that keeps an eye on the children while you focus on your daily routine. Doing this will free you up and create a healthy parenting for you and the kids.

As great as the idea of a holiday helper sounds, you should adopt it with caution. Recent happenings around the country have shown that much as leaving your children on their own is dangerous, it’s even more dangerous to leave them in the hands of total strangers.

If possible, recruit your holiday helpers from trusted and traceable extended family members, friends, and teachers you have known for years. This might also be the best time to invite their favourite Grandma to come over.   

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1 year ago

This is really what every mom needs

1 year ago

The stress no be here ooo

1 year ago

The Grandma option seems like something I will like to try. It’s a win-win.