Feeling comfortable in your skin after birth.

It’s common knowledge that pregnancy brings a host of physical changes to the body of a woman. Preganancy brings about many changes to your body that might linger for some time after baby’s birth. Good news is that with the right steps, your body can snap back in good time. Here are some tips on how to recover and embrace your new body after child birth.  

Regular exercises. Try exercises that target your abdominal muscles in your torso. This will help the muscles grow stronger and provide you with greater support.

Continue Prenatal vitamins. Keep taking your prenatal vitamins while you breastfeed. They’ll help restore nutrients you lost during pregnancy and support your body as it heals. Your doctor may recommend that you take other supplemental vitamins like iron and vitamin C, too.

Kegels. After giving birth, it’s common to have weak pelvic floor muscles  that make bladder control challenging. You can help prevent leaking by doing kegel exercises. Note that Kegel exercises are done by tightening your pelvic floor muscles, holding tight for 3 to 5 seconds, relaxing and repeating.

Retinoid cream. Retinoid creams contain vitamin A which can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Applying some of this cream on your skin can be highly beneficial. The faster you move on this, the better, though. Once stretch marks have turned white, it might be too late.

Sex life. After you get approval from your doctor, you can get back to your sex life as soon as you feel comfortable. Take it slow and use vaginal lubrication as needed.

Get Support. As a new parent, it can be tempting to take everything on by yourself. Lean on your existing support network to get the space you need for your mental and physical health after childbirth. Family, friends, or neighbors are often willing to lend a hand so that you can take a quick nap or a walk around the block. 

Take Your Time

Bringing a new child into the world is life-changing. Take it easy on yourself and let yourself feel whatever feelings come up. It’s normal to experience highs and lows over time. Remember: there is no shame in asking for help.


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